New Features
- Multilanguage support for events and images.
- New UI for clearing the thumb and picasa cache without running into timeouts.
- Reworked folder sync: you can select the folders you want to sync and Picasa folders are hidden now.
- CLI script for syncing the database. Now you can create a CRON job to sync the database. No need to trigger this from the back end manually. Just run cli/eventgallery-sync.php from the command line.
- Removed MooTools lightbox and replaced it with a slightly modified version of colorbox
- The lightbox supports swipe gestures to switch to the next/previous image. Same is true for the main image of the ajax layout.
- The content plugin supports now the grid and the tiles layout in addition to the image list.
- Empty folders are hidden now. Sounds link an easy thing but it is not. While local images are stored in the database Picasa images are not. Because of this it can’t be solved by a simple SQL query. So we write a dummy file into the database once a Picasa album gets loaded and the album is not empty. But now we hide empty folders so those Picasa folders will never get updated. Keep in mind that they are reloaded on access. To fix this we have a new plugin which checks those empty Picasa folders so they’ll appear once the album contains some images. Clear the server cache so those dummy files can be written initially.
- You can now configure to hide the main image of an event in a list of events in case the event is protected by a password.
Minor Changes
- Watermarks are not used if they are unpublished.
- Tax input field is not longer of type number.
- added a threshold for watermarks. This way you can now deliver small thumbs without a watermark but larger ones with watermarks.
- you can configure the period a Picasa request result is cached. By default it’s cached 24h. Be careful with smaller values since this will increase the server load and overall response time of your pages.
- Images can have URLs now. This allows you to link from the gallery to any URL you like. It depends on the layout for the images if the URL is used or not.
- New address field for state values in the billing and shipping address form.
- Sorting orders by document number work better. It sorts the orders in the way one would expect it instead using a string sorting.
- Added configuration option to show the event name and description on the ajaxpaging layout inline or on top of the page.
- index.html files get added to the source image folders during the folder creation and the sync process. This should provide a little bit better protection for private images.
- There can be a default watermark now. A default watermark is used if no other watermark is defined or the defined watermark for an event is offline.
- For each event you have the option to define some meta data. If for the menu item referencing the event is nothing defined those values are used.
- Switched from a select box to a modal dialog to select an event for a menu item or in a module.
- The content plugin supports ranges. In addition to the maximum number of images you can define an offset. Using this ability you can create articles where you can place arbitrary text between the images of your event.
- Log files will not grow larger than about 1MB. This will avoid issues with hosting providers which do not allow writing large files. But keep in mind the normal Joomla log files might still grow larger and cause your site to stop working.
- Write .htaccess files to the local folders to prevent people from accessing this folder.
- Removed MooTools dependency of back end code.
- Added save2copy button. It is now possible to specify a different folder id and use this button to create a new event based on the current configuration. Basically it’s a clone feature for events. Images are not involved!
- Setup removes eventgallery_light package if Event Gallery Extended gets installed. This avoids having two packages of Event Gallery installed.
- You can use the key COM_EVENTGALLERY_MONEY_FORMAT to change for money format. Keep in mind that you need to do this both for the site and the admin section. Otherwise the format will differ if you (re)send an order confirmation mail for example.
- The image list layout does not longer stretch the last image to full width. The JS code is still able to do it but it’s currently not configurable from the back end.
- Improved the handling of long event folder names in the list of events in the admin section. There is now a max-width set to 350px until the folder name wraps.
- The description field of the image type set is used now. If it is not empty it replaces the default text in the front end which appears above the list of image types.
- Added a small SEO improvement. By using the meta tag framenet=! a spider can call the page in a way it can easily retrieve the full images. This should help to place more images in the search engine.
- There is a configuration option for a callback protocol in the components options. Use this to avoid trouble in case you run your site using https. Especially in a shared host environment this might cause trouble since PayPal can’t connect to your server using https. In this case just configure 'http' as the callback protocol.
- To avoid any trouble with other lazy load scripts, Event Gallery uses the css class eventgallery-lazyme to mark images to be loaded lazy.
- Added ordering option to sort events by hits in the back office.
- The landing page for shared images has improved. The mini page does now show some more image information and uses some basic CSS to let things look a bit nicer.
- The module mod_eventgallery_events can be restyled to provide a horizontal layout. A container element was missing and is available now.
Bug Fixes
- The button for adding an event to an article did not worked while used in front end editing.
- Fixed issues with upload and sync if one uses a custom folder path for the source images.
- The zoom button on the single image page displays now the lightbox with the correct title.
- Removed notice in case one defines COM_EVENTGALLERY_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH himself.
- Fixed error message if an user opens an order which contains images that do not longer exist in the database.
- The guest user group did not work. Now you can assign events to the guest user group to hide them from logged in users.
- The version warning appeared during the database sync. This is fixed now.
- Sometimes the aperture was printed like 5.7 or 4.6. The correct values should appear now.
- Fixes an issue with the editor button while using it in the front end. Without the fix you’ve got the rendered list of events instead of the back end UI to create the content tag.
If you’re using password protected events you can create URLs which already contain the password like
. If somebody opens this url a redirect is performed which removes the password from the url so it can’t be shared easily. - Browser zoom is supported now. The layout should not longer break if the browser zoom is not set to 100%.
Migration Hints
- Dropped PostgreSQL completely. There is no time to keep this in sync nor do I have the time to test it.
- CSS/JS/IMG files are now located in the media/com_eventgallery folder.
- Removed MooTools dependency. If you modified any JavaScript file of this component it’ll probably fail. Keep in mind that this component uses jQuery which is delivered with Joomla 3 and includes the same version while running with Joomla 2.5.
- Dropped Internet Explorer 8 support.
- Renamed folder→getDescription() to folder→getDisplayName(). No change to the database structure but a small code cleanup of the class. Renamed some css classes from description to displayname. Check the configuration of the latest events module too.
- Clear the server cache if you use Picasa albums. Otherwise they’ll disappear until the cached Picasa XML file gets invalid.
- The image set description is in use now. Make sure you did not add funny things in there.
All prices include VAT. The gross price will vary depending on the selected shipping country.