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#4224 images are not shown

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Friday, 04 March 2022 10:47 UTC


Hi Sven,

when I upload images I can't see them. The upload works ok. The images are published and I can see their names both in the extension and in php.

However, in the back end it doesn't show the files (jpg, png). 

In the front end the images are not loaded.

What's my problem?




Your PHP version is wrong, I hope. Without a URL to check, it's hard to say what is going on. Here are some potential reasons:

You can attempt to open a thumbnail from the backend in a new tab. Maybe you see an error message, which helps to figure out the reason.


Hi Sven,

when i try to open the thumbnail it says

0 - Call to undefined function imagecreatefromstring()

What is the php version I need for your extension?





Please load the GD extension for PHP. This is needed for image processing.


Ok thanks.


You're welcome.