
New Features
  • Import/Export for component related data
  • Categories! You can create a category hierarchy and assign events to it.
  • path to the image source folder is configurable now by creating the file config_override.php in the component folder. See config.php for details.
  • Auto rotation of images using EXIF orientation information is available now.
  • Batch operations for events (Joomla > 3.0 only)
  • Latest Event Module: added option to show the description of the event instead of the module title.
  • Content Plugin: Support for multiple image lists per page.
  • Finder Plugin: the events date is part of the index. Support for event gallery categories as filter options. Support to link to Event Gallery Categories.
  • Latest Events Module: added a module which can show a number of events with some preview thumbs.
  • Category Module: added a module which shows the category structure created for events
  • Reduced size of the package due to the removal of the internal documentation.
Minor Changes
  • removed the dedicated menu item type Events - Simple List
  • added a link which is able to remove files from the database which have no folder.
  • improved error handling during Sync Database process.
  • improved file upload so it feels more responsive and does not try to upload all files at once so you can still use the back end with the same browser.
  • changed sorting behavior for files in the back end. The automatic reodering does not affect positions with value 0 and is specific for a folder now.
  • added button for the list of files in the back end to reset the ordering.
  • added drag and drop sorting for events (Joomla > 3.0 only)
  • new events get the highest ordering number now.
  • social sharing: download link uses html5 notation for starting the download instead of showing the image
  • content plugin supports now apostrophes instead of quotes to avoid HTML encoding issues with some editors
  • fixes a defect which occurred while you’re using a menu item which links to directly an event. If you jump back from a single image page to the list the wrong layout type might appear.
  • comments form uses the Joomla Captcha instead of a self made one.
  • added a more restrictive check for folder names to avoid invalid characters in the folder name. The sync database job will show the correct folder name in case the current one is invalid.
  • margin-left for a list of thumbnails is set to 0px to prevent possible issues with Bootstrap bases templates.
  • reordered the fields for editing an event for better grouping.
  • you can resend a order confirmation mail from the backend. Find this button in the top toolbar on the order detail page.
  • added option to sort events by date in the back end event list.
  • added buttons in the top menu bar to allow an easy switch between edit event, list of files of an event and the upload page.
  • added alternative way of image sharpening in case you use PHP 5.5.9. THIS METHOD IS VERY SLOW! Please disable image sharpening if this is an issue for you. PHP 5.5.9 contains a defect where the build in method creates blurry images.
  • default sorting order for orders is now documentno desc.
  • if an event is linked directly you can now set the meta description at the menu item
  • added warning if download id for Event Gallery Extended is missing
  • added message in case the minimum requirements for PHP and Joomla are not meet.
  • Added check to avoid uploading other files than files with extension PNG, JPEG, GIF and JPEG.
  • New option to display the filename for an image. This works for places where the image title or description appears.
  • The order confirmation mail displays the entered phone number if there is any.
  • The components global options allow to decide which link is shared for an image. The current options are: Image Page or Event.
  • The event pages contain the snippet+ items name, description and image so you can share the event to google+ too without loosing the thumbnail.
  • Added some checks to avoid error pages if a Picasa album is referenced in a wrong way or gets invalid somehow.
  • In order to provide quicker support an url parameter debug was added. In case the value is true, CSS and JS files are not loaded as compressed versions. This allows to check for possible issues without having reconfigure the component in the back end.
  • Modules have a new configuration parameter to specify an ID of a menu item to which a module will link to. Use this parameter to override the automatic menu item determination.
  • The download buttton for Picasa images references the full image now instead of a 1280px image.
  • Switched the Facebook integration from the old all.js to skd.js.
  • The social sharing toolbox now closes if you click somewhere else on the page. This is necessary to avoid open windows on mobile devices which do not support mouse out.
Bug Fixes
  • Order confirmation mail is send to customer and admin separately. This allows direct replies to an order from both sides.
  • Avoided exceptions if no image type sets are defined.
  • fixes Strict warning in mod_eventgallery_cart.php
  • fixes crash while rendering thumbnails using an non existing watermark image
  • Fixed crash in Joomla 2.5 while sorting files. You can sort them now again but the whole sorting feature works best stating with Joomla 3.x.
  • Fixes a defect where the menu item setting for showing the EXIF information of an image was not respected.
  • Fixes an issue which occured on the Ajax list if there was only one page. In this case a JavaScript error was throws.
  • Fixes a VAT calculation defect.
  • Removed error message Class 'JCategories' not found which occurred in a module using Joomla 2.5.
  • The image tags contained invalid HTML since there where spaces missing between the tag attributes.
  • Fixes issue with the url which opens the sharing window. It uses now JRoute instead of just index.php/…​.
  • The export adds the zip file name extension.
  • Added Facebook permission publish_actions in order to support new Facebook Apps.
  • Added a CSS stlye which helps to fix display issues of the image list with Android 2.3 browsers. The max with of images is now set to 4000px instead of auto.
Migration Hints
  • the menu item type Events - Simple List does not longer exist. You need to reconfigure those menu items as a Events - List and choose the Event layout.
  • Clear the Joomla Cache! Otherwise it’ll take some time before your users can download and share images from Picasa again.
All prices include VAT. The gross price will vary depending on the selected shipping country.