There are a few things globally manageable. Here is a list of things you can do.
Download ID
If you have installed Event Gallery Extended you can use the auto update if you enter your download id here. Get it from
Notification User Group
This user group is used to send notification about orders to. All users in this group which can receive system mails will get a mail upon an event.
Default User Group
You can force the people to login before they can see your images. This field provides a set of default user groups which are used if an event does not define its own.
Download Log
Enables a log which contains who downloaded which images.
Show User Group Specific Events in List
Defines if you want to hide user group specific event in lists of events. They do still not appear in modules. Show them to make users aware that there is something they need to log in for.
Use Caching
If you enable this some views of the component will use caching. This does not influence module caching. They have their own cache configuration. Please have a look at the caching section in this manual for details.
Load uncompressed/readable JS/CSS files
Puts the component into debug mode. CSS and JS files will be delivered separately and uncompressed.
Load responsive CSS
This option turns on the loading of an elementary responsive CSS file. I recommend turning off this option and add your own styles which match your templates responsive breakpoints. Please have a look at the FAQ section for example code.
Depending on the template you’re using, select the fluid or the static CSS. The static CSS is helpful if your template restricts the maximum width of the page. On the other hand, allows the fluid CSS to support the full browser width without having too large images.
Flickr API key
Defines your Flickr API key. There is a build in key but this one can expire anytime. Make sure you get your own key! This is deprecated and replaced by the new dedicated section for Flickr Accounts. This configuration option stays there to support your migration to the new accounts.
Flickr Cache Time
Unit of this value is second. Defines how long a Flickr album is cached before it gets reloaded from the Google servers. Check the manual on how Flickr integration works.