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#867 Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by ade.akinyede on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 09:26 UTC

Hi Sven,

I've just updated from 2.6.8 to 3.1.6 and everything thing works perfectly except for some images on my which fail to load when clicked and when I debug I get in the console:

"Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/html"

I've done a search through the support forum and most of the issues seem to point to JS errors, so I checked my website and have no JS errors (that I can see anyway). Any tips?


Thanks a lot for your amazing work and effort,


Seems like large images cause issues.

Example URL:

Can you try to increase the error reporting to maximum please? This should help to find the reason for this issue.

I've just enabled debug mode on the event gallery, and my template is set to developer mode as well - hope that helps

(Thanks for the speedy reply!!)

I still get a blank page. Can you check the server error log please?

I think you server just has not enough memory to process the larger files. Can you try to upload a smaller file like max 1000px and seee if this one appears in the lightbox?

Oh.. wait. You did not changed the error reporting! Please use the Joomla Global Options -> Server -> Error Reporting

Oh, ok. Done :)

I'll monitor the files that don't load onto the lightbox and reduce their sizes to verify.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted 

So I was right :) Your server does not have enough memory to process your images. You have two options:

  1. increase the available amount of memory
  2. upload smaller files.

Thanks a lot!

How/where can I view the error (or debug) log that generated this message? So I can know how to go about fixing similar issues in the future.

I just checked my file sizes and most of them are quite low res (400-800KiB), with a hand few of exceptions, but even they don't load either - especially in the Family Portfolio. I'll contact the support team for my server and hopefully come to a resolution on increasing memory size :)

Just open the url I send you above
