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Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by ccg on Thursday, 06 March 2014 20:47 UTC


I've got a events list. When i click on one event i see list of image.
But I sometimes have a problem.

Lasts images are not load: i've got background-image: none instead of background-image: URL/components/com_eventgallery/helpers/image.php?option=com_eventgallery&mode=uncrop&width=512&view=resizeimage&folder=backstage&file=7.jpg

Did someone already have that problem ?

Thanks in advance

ps: sorry for my english -_-

Yes. The main problem is how you build your site. You use just the middle part of your page for the content. This part uses 'overflow: auto' to show the scroll bars, right? The main problem here is the lazy load behavior of the gallery. It loads images while you scroll down. But it uses the windows to detect the current scrolling position and the offset. With your setup this is not possible since the offset does not change at all if one scrolls down.

But there is a solution for you. You need to patch or override a the php file 'imagelist_script.php' in you template which contains the following string:

    eventgalleryLazyloader = new LazyLoadEventgallery({
                        range: 100,

100 means that the JavaScript will load all images which are located up to 100px below the currently visible frame. Increase this to 10.000. You'll lose the lazy load effect but your images will appear.

Try to override in your template since every update will remove your changes to files belonging to the component.

It's working ! Your awesome ! Thank you !