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#3040 Mail order: I don't see Buyernote

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 18:47 UTC

I use Event Gallery 3.5.4 (build 67b610d) on Joomla! 3.4.8. When receive an order by mail i don't see buyer note in the email. In Manage order instead yes. In e-mail template the code is:


                    <a class="thumbnail" href="{$lineitem->imageurl}">

                        <img src="{$lineitem->thumburl}">




            {if !empty($lineitem->buyernote)}


                   <td colspan="5">{$lineitem->buyernote}</td>



Support for the buyernote in the email template was added in version 3.6.0. Please update to the latest version. I highly recommend updating your Joomla version as well.

I have Event gallery extended. Do I have to subscribe again for update?

Thank you

Yes, you need to renew your subscription. The subscription allows you to download Event Gallery Extended and with that any available update.