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#2910 fromt end edit

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by athanaso on Friday, 27 October 2017 15:59 UTC

My site is
when i am trying to edit from front end an event it gives me this error ((((
Warning: include_once(/customers/b/9/c/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/b/9/c/ models/fields/modal/folder.php on line 32 Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/customers/b/9/c/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/ usr/share/php') in /customers/b/9/c/ on line 32 Warning: include_once(/customers/b/9/c/ version.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/b/9/c/ on line 32 Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/customers/b/9/c /' for inclusion (include_path='.:/ usr/share/php') in /customers/b/9/c/ on line 32 )))
can you help me ?


Event Gallery does not support front-end editing. The buttons in the editor work but editing events is not implemented. How can you edit an event in the front end?

I mean to add or delete photos from a event from front end .
Is that possible ?

No, this is not possible. I don't support front-end editing. But still I would love to know where you've got those error messages from.

Joomla gives me those errors when I login from front end and I am trying to edit a
event gallery

Okay. But how do you edit a gallery? I did not implement a button or something like this for it. Can you help me with a screenshot please?

Its not for me the front end editing I am building a map for Crete and I want to let registered users to add or delete there photos of there business from from end

So you're customizing/extending Event Gallery to let people using it on the front end?


Well... so I guess you need to work around that error.

Here is my recommendation:

the folder structure is pretty clear: /images/eventgallery/folder

1. create a component which can add images to this folder. No connection to Event Gallery necessary
2. trigger the CLI script for syncing those folders with Event Gallery so your images appear/disappear. You can modify/copy the CLI script to sync only a specific folder at once.

Please understand that I can't support customization. But the steps above provide a very loose coupling to Event Gallery which might be enough. If you need to manage file metadata this will get tricky.

Thanks I will try it