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#2861 Private albums for flickr

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Sunday, 26 June 2022 09:06 UTC

Can you please change the flickr behavior so that it access's private albums? Currently when I attempt to do so, I get the proper image count but the filenames are incorrect as " .jpg_" is added to each file. ( see image for exact info )
you can view the behavior at my temporary client area..

I also noticed that some images get cropped instead of resized responsively. How can that be fixed also?






I'll not support private Flickr albums. Every browser needs to be able to access the images from the Flickr server. This simply does not work for private albums.

Your album is password protected.


if they are public on flickr then they are not viewable ONLY by the client.


That is true. If you want to keep your images as safe as possible, you should store them locally. Images hosted on Flickr and Google use URLs without further verification. If you know the URL, you can see the images.

Anyways, if an album is set to private, I can't get the size of the original image. I need it to calculate the layout later on. Maybe I missed something in the Flickr API. But as long as this does not work, I can't support private albums.

That makes perfect sense... in this day of "cloud" everything I think being able to have private albums is going to be important.
I think I found a good solution though... I totally understand how you feel so I thought I would try to help, forgive me if I stepped out of bounds...
So, if you call it does give you the info for a private album. here's the api instructions, and I've included a test call..
I don't think its safe for me provide the url shown @ the bottom of the test but I'm sure you can do the same thing I did.
I think you might need "secret" to do this but I didn't use it on my query as you see..
I have "can download=only me" and I went into photo organizer and said "only me" can view.
When I run "flickr.prefs.getPrivacy" here is the returned info..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp stat="ok">
  <person nsid="66392281@N05" privacy="1" />
</rsp> returned
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<rsp stat="ok">
  <perms id="37394832095" ispublic="0" isfriend="0" isfamily="0" permcomment="0" permaddmeta="0" />

i hope this helps, I really want event gallery to give me a useful way to show clients my images & purchase them. There's a couple of issues I'm working through ( like not sizing the image properly on preview ) but I'm trying to find a solution before I bother you.





I had your ticket open all the time and got a reminder. It is just 5 years later ;) Private Flickr Albums in Event Gallery? Done :) Will be available in the next release.