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#1572 upgrade gallery on new version not work

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Thursday, 11 June 2015 07:51 UTC

 so this morning i was on my joomla option to upgrade gallery to latest version 3.3.2 - course i run it....and get error:

Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY' SQL=INSERT INTO `kitjf_eventgallery_foldertype` (`id`, `name`, `folderhandlerclassname`, `displayname`, `default`, `ordering`, `published`, `modified`, `created`) VALUES (0, 'local', 'EventgalleryLibraryFolderLocal', 'Local Images', 1, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL), (1, 'picasa', 'EventgalleryLibraryFolderPicasa', 'Picasa Images', 0, 2, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL);

and error is in my language but say: like cannot instal

where is problem?

To fix this, you need to remove the values from this table but I assume you'll encounter other error as well. This can only happen if you had a version of Event Gallery 3.3 installed before. The table is new and can't contain any values. Can you explain what exactly you did?

so i have previous version of Event Gallery installed....joomla update give me opition to upgrade Event Gallery to 3.3.2 and i acept it....then i got this message....

Hmm.. strange. This can only happen if you execute the update sql twice.

Here is the 3.3.2 update sql:

A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_watermark` ADD  `image_thumbthresholdsize` int(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `image_opacity`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_watermark` ADD  `default` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `published`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_file` ADD  `url` text NOT NULL AFTER `title`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_staticaddress` ADD  `state` varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER `city`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_useraddress` ADD  `state` varchar(255) NOT NULL AFTER `city`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_folder` ADD  `foldertypeid` int(11) DEFAULT '0' AFTER `id`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_folder` ADD `metadata` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `attribs`;

A LTER TABLE `#__eventgallery_imagetype` ADD `weight` DECIMAL( 4, 2 ) DEFAULT  '0' AFTER `size`;
A LTER TABLE `#__eventgallery_imagetype` ADD `depth` DECIMAL( 4, 2 ) DEFAULT  '0' AFTER `size`;
A LTER TABLE `#__eventgallery_imagetype` ADD `height` DECIMAL( 4, 2 ) DEFAULT  '0' AFTER `size`;
A LTER TABLE `#__eventgallery_imagetype` ADD `width` DECIMAL( 4, 2 ) DEFAULT  '0' AFTER `size`;

C REATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#__eventgallery_foldertype` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  `folderhandlerclassname` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  `displayname` varchar(125) DEFAULT NULL,
  `default` int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  `ordering` int NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `published` int(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `modified` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `created` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

I NSERT INTO `#__eventgallery_foldertype`  (`id`, `name`, `folderhandlerclassname`, `displayname`, `default`, `ordering`, `published`, `modified`, `created`) VALUES
(0, 'local', 'EventgalleryLibraryFolderLocal', 'Local Images', 1, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL),
(1, 'picasa', 'EventgalleryLibraryFolderPicasa', 'Picasa Images', 0, 2, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL);

u pdate `#__eventgallery_folder` set foldertypeid=1 where folder like '%@%';

Since the table adjustments did work we need to care about the data migration now. Please try to execute this script:

D ELETE FROM `#__eventgallery_foldertype`;

I NSERT INTO `#__eventgallery_foldertype`  (`id`, `name`, `folderhandlerclassname`, `displayname`, `default`, `ordering`, `published`, `modified`, `created`) VALUES
(0, 'local', 'EventgalleryLibraryFolderLocal', 'Local Images', 1, 1, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL),
(1, 'picasa', 'EventgalleryLibraryFolderPicasa', 'Picasa Images', 0, 2, 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', NULL);

U PDATE `#__eventgallery_folder` set foldertypeid=1 where folder like '%@%';

u pdate #__schemas
set version_id='3.3.0'
where extension_id in (
  select extension_id
  from #__extensions
  where element = 'com_eventgallery'

Make sure you replace '#__' with your database prefix. In addition please remove the spaces in 'D ELETE', 'U PDATE' and 'I NSERT'. Once this is done simple download and install the package again.

incredible....this last sql string was solution....
so this mean that in future is not recommend to upgrade gallery?

I always recommend an upgrade. But some installations behave unexpected like yours. But as you can see this can be usually fixed.