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#4689 Migration from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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PHP Version
Joomla Version

Latest post by sbluege on Tuesday, 12 March 2024 13:58 UTC


I'm migrating my site from Joomla 3 to Joomla 5. On the site with Joomla 3, the Event Gallery version is 3.12.4.
How should I proceed to carry out this migration without losing my current database?



here are the steps I recommend: 

  • Update to Joomla 3.10
  • Update to Event Gallery 4.3.2
  • Update to Joomla 4.3
  • Update to the latest version of Event Gallery
  • Update to Joomla 5

I did not test EG 4.3.2 with Joomla 5, but I assume there are issues with that. If you have a staging system, feel free to to leave out the Joomla 4.3 step. 


I'm doing this migration locally. So if I update Event Gallery  to 4.3.2 then update Joomla to 5 (skipping update it to 4), will it work?


I don't know. I did not try this. Version 4.3.2 is tested with Joomla 3.10 and Joomla 4, not with Joomla 5. If you want to play it safe, you need to make the J4-step. Since you use a test environment, you can try to update to J5 directly and see if this causes any issue.


I've managed to update to Joomla 4 following your tips. I will try to update to 5 after check if everything is working fine in this Joomla 4 installation. Thanks!

I have another question: is there a way to disable de column "Cover" when managing events in the control panel of Joomla? Most of my galleries are from Google Photos and loading the cover thumbnails for each event takes a lot of time. It would be better if these thumbnails weren't even loaded when listing the events in the control panel, in my case.


Joomla 4: great, I don't expect issues with Joomla 5. You can try to disable the compatibility plugin to see if you still need it with J5. 

Cover images: I don't understand the issue. If you don't need the images, don't wait for them. Loading the images happen from the frontend, the server will not deliver pages faster. 

Speaking of Google Photos: did you check the release notes of Event Gallery 5.3.0? It can now use shared albums from Google Photos. All you require is the link to that shared album. Still an experimental feature... but so is everything which uses Google stuff ;) 


I noticed that the gallery management page loaded much faster in the previous version (3.12.4), when there was no "Cover" column. In version 4.3.2 or 5.3.0, when listing galleries in the backend, it takes about 20 seconds to display the list. And when the list is displayed, the thumbs stay there with the loading animation for a while longer. This delay could be happening for another reason, but I've noticed that it only happens when I use Google Photos galleries.

I didn't know it was possible to use shared albums, I'll try it!


20s is a lot. Loading the list of Events should take only a fraction of a second...

Loading image from Google Photos needs to happen in the frontend... those URLs are only valid for max 60min. That makes it complicated to handle them... and requires more communication with your server and the Google API. That is not required with the shared pages... they use public URLs for images.