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#4588 Move Galleries to New Domain

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Thursday, 19 October 2023 04:46 UTC


Hi Sven,

Is there an easy (or sort of easy) way to move the galleries and the settings to a new domain name?  Currently I use & have been considering changing my main site to, mostly for the shorter name. (Current site is on shared hosting and the new domain will be on a dedicated server).

I'd like to be able to move the galleries to the new domain name but haven't figured out a way yet.

Any thoughts or suggestions?



If you want to move your site to a new hosting service, just copy the files and the database. Check configuration.php if your old domain is not mentioned there. Then configure things like database, mail server and so on. Check out Akeeba Backup and Kickstart, they help a lot for such a move.

If you wish to install Joomla from scratch and need to keep some Event Gallery data, you can check those steps: