Hi Sven,
The menu items from "Nachrichten" downwards are not displayed.
It is not possible to create a Flickr account!
In the version Event Gallery Extended 5.0.1 (build 6eac338) this still works. With Joomla version 4.3.3
Thanks for your support
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Latest post by arma27 on Monday, 21 August 2023 16:11 UTC
Hi Sven,
The menu items from "Nachrichten" downwards are not displayed.
It is not possible to create a Flickr account!
In the version Event Gallery Extended 5.0.1 (build 6eac338) this still works. With Joomla version 4.3.3
Thanks for your support
Hi Arno,
can you help me with some details, please? We can do this in German, too.
Which menu items are missing? Can you share a link and a screenshot, please?
Flickr Account: what kind of problem do you encounter?
Im Anhang mein Problem.
Danke und Gruss, Arno
;) Die Menü-Einträge sind nicht weg, nur an anderer Stelle. Das linke Menü war mir zu lang, die Links, die man nur selten benötigt, finden sich auf der Übersichtsseite (die 4 kleinen weißen Kästchen rechts neben "Event Gallery").
Danke! Leider sieht das im Manual nicht so aus.
Beste Grüsse, Arno