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#4416 Can an event be members of two or more categories

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Latest post by sbluege on Tuesday, 13 December 2022 09:15 UTC


I would like a single event to be part of two or more categories.  Can it be done?

Alternately, I would like to be able to include two categories in a category list.





just like Joomla articles, Events can be assigned to a single category only. 

Alternately, I would like to be able to include two categories in a category list.

Can you make an example, please?


I have, for example, three events.  Let’s call them Mexico, Australia, and Copper Canyon.  Mexico and Australia are members of a category, we’ll call “us”, while Copper Canyon is a member of a category called “travel”.  I’d like all three to appear on a page similar in nature to a category list.



With categories, you can't solve this. Categories are organized in a tree without exceptions. 

You could try to use tags. This would allow showing one Event in multiple places. This will not create a categories list, but it allows having a list of Events filtered by that tag.