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#4413 slideshow inside an article

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by ita4012 on Monday, 05 December 2022 09:53 UTC


Hi Sven.

Sometimes, I insert Events in my articles. But, I also would like to make a slideshow appear directly inside an article. Is there a way to do that with Eventgallery?




yes, there is. If you add a content tag, you have a switch to enable the slider. The Tag would look like this then: 

{eventgallery event='test4' attr=images mode=squere linkmode=link max_images=10 thumb_width=50 offset=0 use_slider=1 slider_autoplay=4000 slider_shownav=1 }

I added it to the demo page:


ok, thanks. That's good.