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#4407 Menu Category-Tiles responsiveness

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Saturday, 19 November 2022 09:32 UTC


Hi Sven,

The categories in the menu "Categories" with "Tiles" layout does not work satisfying on a mobile device.

The tiles become smaller but do not break e.g. into one tile per row. One result is that the description on the tiles might not be readable if the text is a bit longer.

I think this might also happen here in the demo

if you would add a few more categories and longer text.

Do you have an idea how to break the tiles into rows on a mobile device?

Best regards,




you're right, that might happen IF I add more text. The tiles do break, but I like to have them smaller than the Event/Album-tiles. There are three ways to prevent that: 

  • keep your category names short
  • reduce the text size based on the screen width (not a good option)
  • make your tile larger depending on the screen size

The tiles have a relative size to the container width. That can be changed with CSS. I put some ideas in the manual: