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#4225 Events Metadata

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Tuesday, 08 March 2022 17:45 UTC


Hi Sven.

When I create a new Event, I always add metadata (see attached screenshot).

But, if I do a research on Google Images, with the corresponding keywords, I never get Eventgallery pages of my site in the SERP.

Is there something I am missing?


Thanks. Fabio





Hard to say. From some it works:

Do you have Google Search Console? Do you see any issues there?


Well, On Google Images research page you find plenty of images published on, but they are the ones which I inserted into the articles. That's the case you quoted. But, I never get an Eventgallery page related to any Event I created, on Google.

I have Google Search Console, and I discovered that, if I check any Eventgallery page with slidegallery of my site, they are not indexed at all.

This clue was useful to understand the reason of the problem....

I use Jsitemap Pro to create the sitemaps I send to Google.

Jsitemap is able to create almost automatically Data Sources for the sitemaps picking info up from many extensions, like Kunena, K2, etc.. Unfortunately, Eventgallery is not included.

So, I had to configure Jisitemap Pro in order to pick data also up from Eventgallery.

It was a big labour, but probably worth of being done.

You can check the result here:

Now, I think that the problem will shortly be solved. Just the time for Google to index all the new Eventgallery pages. Checking on my Google Search Console, it seems that Eventgallery pages are going to be indexed.






I have a Sitemap-plugin for OSMap:

In general, the indexing should work. No technical issues are visible. Let's cross the fingers for your sitemap things. 

One thing I could imagine is, that those Event Gallery page do not contain enough data. Sure, there are images, but nearly no text. Maybe this has an influence, too.


I also use OsMap free. I installed your plugin and it works.



Hi Sven.

Maybe you can also help me with this matter.

Jsitemap Pro has more functions than OS map (also payment version), and that's why I am mainly using this extension for sitemap.

As I told, I configured Jsitemap in order to pick up data also from Eventgallery when creating sitemaps.

But, I have a problem.

If I select "description" from Eventgallery database tables as field to be shown in the text of the sitemap links (see attachment), I get the strange result you can see in the other attachment (html sitemap). I see all the descriptions in the different languages (with language symbols too). I tried to use folder's name instead, but the I have short and users unfriendly names for my Eventgallery folders.

I  noticed that in the html sitemap created with Os map and your plugin, I get the proper description for each chosen language, and not all the different languages descriptions at the same time.

Do you have any suggestions?






The description and the title are "localizable" fields. In the database, a simple JSON structure is stored. You would need to transform this into something you need. There is a helper class in Event Gallery, but it some coding effort is still needed to transform the data.