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#3845 Showing photos from different albums by a tag on one page.

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Monday, 25 May 2020 16:33 UTC

Is there a way to show photos from different albums on one page without having to pick each image individually?

For instance I have a photo album showing my ancestors so that my relatives can see them & help me to identify them. I would also like to be able to show the photos of an individual on a different page without having to add each one separately. Can I tag images in some way so that I could use a tag to generate an album.

My Grandfather appears in lots of photos so I would want all photos, tagged with his name to appear in his album but do not want to have to duplicate the image in different albums.

Hi Alan,

there is no clever build in way for doing that. Using an article and adding images manually is the only workaround :(