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#3477 How can we page large albums in an article

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Latest post by Frank_Bertram on Saturday, 23 February 2019 18:10 UTC

 Hi Sven,

I use event gallery a lot from within articles.
I most cases I use the following construct:
{eventgallery event='.....' attr=images mode=tiles max_images=0 thumb_width=50 offset=0 }
This nicely spreads the images over the page in tiles in a lively manner.
Usually I have one single album included in one single article.

I use max_images=0 to force that all[ images are shown.
This works fine for the smaller albums (all my albums are in Google Photos).
But for larger albums this generates a rather lenghthy page, though I have to say that it still performs on an acceptable level.
Is there a way to get this on multiple pages.
I have searched the documentation, but could not find it.
I may have overlooked something completely.

I hope you can help.

Best Regards
Frank Bertram


There is no option to page within an article. You could limit the number of images and link to the event instead. There you can have paging.

That's too bad.
But as I said, as it is, it is not too bad.
The reason for wanting this in an article is that I have roughly 280 articles that were using another component and are now using Event Gallery. There are a similar number of articles that link to these articles holding the album.
I cannot see an easy way to have all these articles linkto an event.

Is there a way to achieve the desired effect by using loadposition or loadmodule within an article.

Best Regards

Frank Bertram

I'm not sure if I understand.

The content plugin itself can create the link to the event. You just show a couple of preview images which link to the event.

Why do you need to use articles to contain full albums?

Hi Sven,

I am sorry that I was not very clear in my previous remarks.

To understand why I want the full album shown in an article you must know that I am using Event Gallery on the website of our neighborhood association. We organize all kinds of events, roughly 20 every year, on many of these events photos are produced.
Usually of such an event a little report is made with a small selection of the photos. The complete collection of photo's is stored in Google Photos.
The website in its current form (using Joomla) was created in 2012, but the first website was published in 1997.

So we have hundreds of reports describing these activities over the years and we have hundreds of photoalbums of the same activities.
Until mid january 2019 I was using SlideshowFx which behaved similar to the content plugin of Event Gallery, but did not have something similar as the component of Event Gallery.

So for every event there is a textual report (sometimes more) with some photos and an article holding the album of that event.
Obviously there are links created to and from the textual report and the album article.
Also tags and categories are used to group all these articles together.

So when I found (mid Jan 2019) that SlideshowFx was no longer working, I decided to start using Event Gallery as a replacement of SlideshowFx, though I realised that Event Gallery could do much more.

The first thing I did was using the component to get all the albums available to the users in one blow.
After that I thought how I could preserve all the links from all the textual reports to the album.
I'd rather removed all the album articles and modified the links in all the textual reports to point to the event, but this (I believe) is very laborious and not feasible (how do you find all the links to a known article??)

So I could not think of another way then replacing the SlideshowFx links in the album articles by similar Event Gallery content plugin links, since it was very easy finding all the SlideshowFx references using PHPAdmin.
In this process I made progress to 2013 starting in 2019.

This is quite a long story, but it explains why I am using the content plugin so heavily and as I said earlier, it looks good (much better than SlideshowFx ) and it performs on an acceptable level.
So again, I am very happy with the current status of Event Gallery, but I would even be happier if you would consider some way of making the album generated by the content plugin pageable, or may be even better a complete different solution.

Another wish would be that the content plugin could generate a simple slideshow.

Best Regards
Frank Bertram

Okay, I understand. Paging is something I currently don't plan for the content plugin. Having multiple content tags per articles makes that pretty difficult.

Since a short time, you can have slides in a module. But until now I never rolled that out completely. Demo: I should add this feature to more places..... I'll write that down

Hi Sven,

Thank you for your feedback.
Best Regards.