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#3303 email templates language

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Thursday, 25 October 2018 07:28 UTC


I created email templates in all the three languages of my website, both for New Order, Paid Order, and Shpping confirmation.

When I get emails notifications about users' orders, I receive email templates in different languages. For example, if an english speaking user places a new order, the new order email is in the english language, but the next ones (paid order and shipping confirmation) are in italian (which is the backend and frontend language of my super user profile).

I am afraid that the user too gets some emails in the italian language, even if he/she is english speaking, and that can sound a bit complicated for him/her.

Is there anything a should change in my extension settings?



there is nothing you're doing wrong. The mail picks up the language of the one managing the order. Not quite ideal. I'll add a new topic to my list in order to improve this.

I uploaded a new version to the developer section. It contains the change you requested. Do you mind having a look at it? This version includes a database change to save the language at the order. You can't roll back to an older version. I recommend testing in your test environment.

Hi Sven, I'll try as soon as possible.


I released version 3.10.2 yesterday. It contains this change. So no test environment is necessary.