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#3053 dummy Image

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Friday, 02 March 2018 07:48 UTC

I have selected not to use the dummy image, however. on all my password protected galleries the Dummy image appears. also where is the dummy image located?


the configuration for showing/hiding the dummy image is related to the appearance of the image in a list of events.

You can change the dummy file by adding a custom configuration. Please check this file. Some help is provided in the header comment: components\com_eventgallery\config.php

You want to redefine the constant COM_EVENTGALLERY_IMAGE_NO_ACCESS

Those settings are already set to do not use dummy image.. yet I have a dummy image.

If the event is protected, all images will appear as dummy images. Mark one image as the "main image" of the event to remove this protection. I guess I need to rework this "show dummy images" settings.