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#2937 Event or category based surcharge

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Sunday, 26 November 2017 10:42 UTC

Dear Sven,

again I have a request if it is possible to specifiy event- or category-based  surcharges. In my case I want to add a surcharge to an event that can be ordered for a limited time and after this time there should be a single-order surcharge (Einzelbestellzuschlag). This situation is given on events where I use a collective order (Sammelbestellung bei z.B. Kommunion) and subsequent orders should be charged with a fee.
Is there a way to do this or is this an option for a later release?
Thanks in advance,


unfortunately, I have the same answer to this question as in the other ticket. Right now you can't do this. This requirement is even more specific. I totally get your point but I'm not sure if the implementation effort is worth it.