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#2814 Sub folder

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Thursday, 31 August 2017 17:36 UTC

 I need to show in a single event images from local folder with all subfolders.
We have event with 500 users and photos from every users goes to a sub folder with unique user id.
I can't add every subfolder by hand because application makes the sub folder when user add a photo.

Gallery works real great. Thank You.
Please answer ASAP. We start event in Friday. :)

It could be done for adding code by hand.



Event Gallery does not support sub folders. It can read images from a single folder per event only. If you need a hierarchy, you can use tags or categories. But in your case, you want to read images from a single event from sub folders? Can you just rename those images and put them into one folder?

It is not possible to rename it. This goes straight from application. Application is connected to users account of joomla. And Could be seen separately from user profile as blog with photos. There is no possible to change application right now.
This is race. There is over 500 cars. We want to show gallery during the race with all photos. So there is over 500 folders.

Is there any chance to change something in gallery ?

Supporting sub folders would be a pretty complex change and does actually not fit the concept.

Which application are you talking about? To see images in Event Gallery you need to upload them directly in the components back end or run the "Sync Database" job. It is not enough to simply copy those images to a folder. Furthermore, Event Gallery uses a dedicated /images/eventgallery folder for images. By default, those images are not accessible from the web.

Can you just write a cron job which copies the images from time to time into the event gallery file structure and runs the sync cli script?

i count that it will be about 10GB if i copy it will take 20GB so it is not possible

Why don't you put those subfolders to the root image folder? /images/eventgallery/[folderA]
Later on you can group them by using categories and show them accordingly. Sure, you don't show all the image on one page but if I heat a number of 10GB I doubt this would be a good idea anyway.