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#2744 text outside cart/lightbox when selecting image type

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by CSP on Thursday, 20 July 2017 13:33 UTC

 Hi Sven

I've attached a screen shot because my description is not so clear. The text (select image type/size) hangs over the left hand side of the cart/page lightbox. Can you please help me with this?

website is

you can see it by clicking on this link/gallery:


The pay now button is a bit hidden, just because it is gray (my template colour) I'd like to make it green, or include the paypal logo. Which file do I edit to do this please? As well, which file to edit text on the checkout.

Thank you so much!!!
Love your work.
Kind regards, Camille.

You can try to add this CSS to your templates CSS-File:

.imagetypeselection .row-fluid {
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-right: -0px;

.imagetypeselection .btn-primary {
	background-color: green;

.imagetypeselection .eventgallery-opencart {
	background-color: blue;
	color: white;

If you want to edit text please use the Joomla Language Manager to create overrides for the keys you want to change.

Both the CSS and the language overrides are great since they will keep the component updateable.

Thanks so much Sven, this worked a treat.

Can you please tell me how to make the PayPal button green on the next page? I've attached a screen shot to help you understand what I'm talking about.
I can't find which css sheet to edit it and am probably using the wrong code anyway.

Thanks again,
warm regards, Camille.

Let's try. Does this work?

.eventgallery-button-pay {
        background-color: blue;
	color: white;

Thank you again! That worked perfectly.