installing on a brand new site, that is offline, gives an error and one cannot use the component while the site is offline. Installation went well and component can be used if the site is put online.
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Latest post by sbluege on Friday, 05 May 2017 04:28 UTC
Sorry, I don't get the question. What exactly does not work?
I installed Event Gallery Extended on a new site that was offline (global configuration/site offline yes)
After install, I received error messages, i.a., the com_eventgallery was not installed. I could not open the Eventgallery component, system said that com_eventgallery was not existing.
I deinstalled all and reinstalled, same messages.
I than put the site online (global configuration/site offline no) and could than access event gallery.
Once I could access the access the event gallery component on the online site, I than put the site (which is to be the production site) back offline and could access the event gallery component normally.
There where some error messeages, can’t remember all but one was saying that the com_eventgallery folder did not exist.
I did an uninstall of the whole package!
Van: Sven Bluege []
Verzonden: donderdag 4 mei 2017 6:52
Aan: Didier Pollez <>
Onderwerp: Reply to your public ticket #2666 error installing on offline site [Event Gallery Extended]
Other extensions I use:
Admin Tools Professional
ACL Manager
Joomlashack Elan Template
Joomlashack shackslides
Joomlashack socialicons
Van: Sven Bluege []
Verzonden: donderdag 4 mei 2017 17:15
Aan: Didier Pollez <>
Onderwerp: Reply to your public ticket #2666 error installing on offline site [Event Gallery Extended]
Yes, problem maybe related to akeeba admin tools pro or PHP 7.1, had some other problems related to those.
Van: Sven Bluege []
Verzonden: donderdag 4 mei 2017 17:37
Aan: Didier Pollez <>
Onderwerp: Reply to your public ticket #2666 error installing on offline site [Event Gallery Extended]