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#2546 User created galleries

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
This is a public ticket

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Latest post by sbluege on Saturday, 04 February 2017 12:59 UTC


I have a client who would like for registered users to create and manage (once user is approved) their own galleries.

Is there any way to provide access to a gallery creation page / module in the frontend of the site?

Apologies if I have missed this somewhere in the documentation




you didn't miss anything. This use case is not covered by Event Gallery. It is simply not a community gallery.

Hi, Thanks for your quick reply.

What sort of development cost would be involved to implement this functionality or can you think of a workaround in Joomla to satisfy this requirement ?

Your component is perfect and matches the clients requirements in every way except this.

Many thanks again for your product and your help


This would mean that I need to create some kind of user management. The development effort would be very high. As I said, Event Gallery is not build in a way multiple users can work with it separately. Unfortunately there is no workaround. Sorry for having not good news here.