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#1771 This mail was send by:

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
This is a public ticket

Everybody will be able to see its contents. Do not include usernames, passwords or any other sensitive information.

Latest post by sbluege on Saturday, 17 October 2015 05:35 UTC

This mail was send by:

Peter Lustig

Hasengraben 5

15432 Hundstedt

Just updated and disappointed...
^ where is this coming from? Can you please don't tag your Name/Address in the future, its pretty hard to find. Waste of time. It was a request not order.



<div class="contact">
<?php echo $mercentAddress ?>

Where is the mercentAddress?

Where did you get this code from? It's not from Event Gallery.

Seems like nobody is reading release notes :( There was a clear migration hint for Event Gallery 3.4.0:

The way emails get generated changed. Please create an email template if you modified the new order email. Localization keys and templates are not longer used.

Please use the new Email Template feature to localize your mail template.