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#1576 Link thumbnails dissapeared

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Saturday, 13 June 2015 11:17 UTC

 Hi Sven
I currently have my event list running as Grid.
The gris of events displays fine, when I click on one of the images it takes me to the event no problem.
However the thumbnail that is the same as the image in the Event list does not display, clicking on the blank thumbnail opens the lightbox which displays fine but I cannot find where the problem lies.

I can't access the url you provided. It opens a kind of domain selling site. Is there any other way to see your site?

Apologies, that was my old expired url
Current one is

I checked all 5 events without seeing an issue. All thumbnails are rendered correctly. Maybe there is an invalid thumbnail cached by your browser? Does it work if you clear the browser cache?

Ahh yes it does, thank you for the quick response

You're welcome.