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#1549 Showing a subset of images in article, all images in lightbox

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Friday, 02 October 2015 07:25 UTC

Great plugin, Sven!
I just have difficulties to realize your "lightbox example" at

where you present 10 thumbnails but showing all 47 images when opening the lightbox by clicking to one of the thumbnails.

In my case I always get the same number of thumbs and images shown in the lightbox.

In the article I've inserted by Content Plugin:

{eventgallery event='xxx' attr=images mode=tiles max_images=0 thumb_width=120 offset=0 }

In the gallery I've selected "should this image appear on image list" for 8 of the 34 images in the corresponding folder. Subsequently, these 8 images are appearing as thumbnails.
But when opening in lightbox, I still see just these 8 images instead of all 34.

In the documentation you wrote: Sometimes you want show an image on the overview page but not in the actual image list. With this option you can hide the image on the list. It'll only appear on the overview page if it is defined as a main image.

So I just tried to define all (or none) as main image (green star selected), but the behaviour does not change at all. The number of images in the list and in the lightbox is always identical.

Could you give me a hint where the difference to your example could be and how the star/ the image list symbol should be used correctly?
Thanks in advance!
Best reagards, Hendrik


Please find below the link to the frontend of the corresponding gallery:

The options in the back office you set will not result in what you want. The "star" marks an image to be shown as the "title image" of a event. Sometimes it's useful to not show this title image as a normal image. That's where the other option comes into play. The content plugin shows normal images of an event and does not care about the title image.

The tag I use looks like this:

{eventgallery event="test3" max_images=10 thumb_width=50 mode=lightbox}

It shows 10 images from the event "test3".

Just an addition: the component layouts do not support linking back to the event. You need to use the thumbnails in this case.

Thanks Sven! But even if I set the number off images to e.g. 8 (of34) and if I set the option "show image in image list" I still get 8 thumbnails and 8 images in the lightbox.

{eventgallery event='xxx' attr=images max_images=5 mode=tiles thumb_width=150 offset=0 }

I do not get what I need. Even if I replace "tiles" with "lightbox".

But if remove the mode attribut completely, I get an event page with ALL images, better, but not exactly what I want.

Any idea?

Best regards


If you specify max_images=8 you'll see only 8 images.

I just reread your initial post: on the demo page I show one event multiple times. This causes the higher number of images in the lightbox. They just pile up. There is no feature to show more images in the lightbox than you show on the current page. The only chance you can achieve this is to render the other images with a second content tag and place this one in an invisible div like <div style="display:none">{...offset=8}</div>

Hi Sven,
that sounds better:
At I've inserted the usual
{eventgallery event='xxxx' attr=images mode=lightbox max_images=6 thumb_width=100 offset=0 }

and additionally, in HTML-editor mode

<div style="display: none;">{eventgallery event='xxxx' attr=images mode=tiles max_images=100 thumb_width=100 offset=6 }</div>

Now it renders what we need: All images are visible in the lightbox, but just the first 6 are visible as a gallery preview. The article is already terrible long, I can't present more images in the preview.

But unfortunately (or fortunately, that depends) I'm not the one and only content producer of this site.
Most of the content is generated by one girl that does not have any HTML knwowledge.

Sven, is it possible to get (in exchange of additional event gallery purchases) in one of the next releases either
- an extra tag attribute to produce that behaviour
- to use a 2nd, invisible tag produceable by the content plugin like
{eventgallery event='2015-Fuball-AH-UE50vsFCBayern' attr=images mode=tiles max_images=100 thumb_width=0 offset=6 } (currently provoking the default thumbnail size, perhaps upward compatibility issues to be expected...
- or do you have any other suggestion how to bring this nice solution to the content producers?

I played with BBCode style macro functionality content plugins (e.g. RokCandy) but that's not so nice either because I have to pass over at least the event name...

Would be nice if you could provide a solution. It is for sure a great plugin, even for a big site like ours with more than one event per week.

Thanks for your great support!
Best regards
Hendrik & Philipp

I'll not add such a specific workaroundish behavior to the code of Event Gallery.

But maybe your HTML-Editor supports custom CSS styles? You can create a new CSS class which can be applied using the editor. The "non HTML" user can simple select this style without adding the div manually.

Hmm, the solution sounds really odd, but is the feature to allow showing a preview really so specific? You provide a solution in the event page mode, but not in lightbox mode.
I think that new use cases of your beautiful plugin could be generated by such a feature, but perhaps I'm wrong.

To your proposal: Yes, sure, that is working, e.g. in JCE.
But... the div element created in the editor becomes, of course, invisible.
And as I know the non-html editors, there is high risk of adding this again (showing 2 times the images) or removing it accidentally.

Then I prefer the BBcode/ Rockcandy macro work around, resulting in the following content in editor:

{eventgallery event='xxx' attr=images mode=tiles max_images=6 thumb_width=100 offset=0 }

[div style="display: none;"]{eventgallery event='xxx' attr=images mode=tiles max_images=111 thumb_width=100 offset=6 }[/div]

Working perfectly, when correctly defined in the Rockcandy admin panel as

[div style="display: none;"]{txt}[/div] =====>>> to be translated into ====> <div style="display: none;">{txt}</div>

Thanks for your support!
Best regards


I'll added a ticket to my list to add this behavior :)

the feature will be part of Event Gallery 3.4.2.