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#1536 Download Shipping method

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by maogs1965 on Sunday, 24 May 2015 20:42 UTC


I understood that the new download shipping method is only available if the order contains digital images only. - After setting the order as paid, I received an email with the download link of the correct photo.

Unfortunately by clicking on the download link, I receive a photo with the size 32x22 px which is very tiny.

In Eventgallery/Options/Image I set Use Original Files to Yes

I created under images/eventgallery/<event> a folder called originals und uploaded all full size images in jpg format with the same file name as on the event display.

Did I miss something so that the full size image is available by the download link.

This is also true for the order tracking page where a download link is displayed.


You need to check the size field of your image type. It guess it's set to something strange.

Sorry ... after checking the online help text to the size field I figured out how to get the full size image.
