
Minor changes
  • #468 improved the state selection in the address forms. The visible states depend now on the selected country. There is no UI for editing the countries, please check the table #__eventgallery_state if you need to modify them.
  • #859 improved error handling during the update process. Expired subscriptions will cause an error message with helpful details.
  • #868 allow localized meta data for an event.
  • #871 Hide drop downs containing only one image type on the cart page.
  • #872 Update the cart automatically if a image type change happens in the drop down.
  • #873 Change the database field type for the event description to text. This allows longer titles for events.
  • #869 Improved URL rendering for menu items which refer to a category. The suffix like categories/root is not longer added.
Bug fixes
  • #874 Avoid install problems with some languages. For example it was not possible to install Event Gallery with Russian language.
All prices include VAT. The gross price will vary depending on the selected shipping country.