New Features
- #707 added the option to download an order in the backend as zip file.
- #729 Sharing and selling of images in Google albums included with the new connector is now possible.
Minor Changes
- #727 extended the availability of the old Google Photos/Picasa Web API implementation by adding deprecation-extension=true to all requests. This will allow to keep those albums until March 2019.
- #726 added additional open graph tags on the event and singleimage page.
- #731 the sharing page for a single image appears now with the template layout.
- #730 Replaced the CSS in the add2cart dialog. It should now cause less conflicts with the template CSS.
- #732 The CientID, secret and refresh token are trimmed now to prevent leading/trailing space characters.
- #736 The list of Events in the back end now shows the title of a Google Photos album in addition to the album id.
- #742 It is now impossible uninstalling the component. You’re forced to uninstall the package instead. This will greatly prevent you from crashing your site. Seems like nobody reads the manual.
- Updated Smarty Template engine to v3.1.33
Bug Fixes
- #733 Fixes file handling for folder which contain a comma.
- #734 Prevent SQL exception in case a Google Photos album contains two images with the same media id.
- #735 Sometimes a list of albums requested from Google contains empty pages. This is now properly handled.
- #738 Fixes broken JavaScript in IE11. Google Photos, Add2Cart and other stuff work again.
- #739 Searching for a tagged Event Gallery category using the simple search produced a link which caused a 404 page.
- #740 Hide the VAT on the cart page if VAT is disabled in the components options.
- #741 Prevent Exception if smart search is enabled and you change the folderid of your event.
- #743 Avoid HTTP500 on single image page in case an invalid folder id is provided.
Migration Hints
- With this version, Event Gallery has some JavaScript code included, which might cause compatibility issues with MooTools. But there is an easy way to fix this. Just enable the Event Gallery MooTools compatibility plugin if you encounter JavaScript error in your site. This plugin will sort the JavaScript includes on your site in a way that MooTools loads after Event Gallery.
All prices include VAT. The gross price will vary depending on the selected shipping country.