After releasing Event Gallery 2.6.0 last week I've got a lot of feedback. Not every single change fitted to the way I see this gallery component but I've collected some new ideas and removed some old defects. Keep on giving feedback! Please find below the list of new features and fixed defects. If you encounter any issues let me know.
The first version of the documentation is available here:Event Gallery Manual. I addition you can find this documentation in the back end after you installed this component.
News - added management for titles and captions for each file - lightbox is now capable to handle text which contains not just three words - documentation update Fixes - fixed German language in Ajax list (Bild 1 von 10) - fixed HTTP 500 caused by large log file containing for Picasa access requests. - fixed SEO urls when appending a suffix like .html to every url. - fixed adding comments. - fixed enlargement of images because of JavaScript calculations - fixed hiding of nav buttons in single image view if the last/first image is shown. - fixed blue background in ajax view with J2.5 default template - fixed issue with lightbox and some url encoding. Lightbox opened but no image appeared.