The carnival season is over. At least for the first half of the year. I shoot some carnival pictures and like to share them with you. I'm shooting events like this for the Baerfelser Karnevalclub for three years now. The main challenge of this kind of shoot is the low light situation. Especially this year the stage was pretty dark. There main theme had something to do with the "dark side" like with ghosts, vampires and that kind of stuff. Nice idea but the light setup was horrible. I try to avoid using a flash gun in such situations but this time I had to use one quite often. Unfortunately I was not allowed to install some remote speedlites directly above the stage. Usually I use some gorilla pods to mount flashes to some kind of traverse since you can't just put a light stand in front of the audience. Anyway, I enjoyed the shooting and was happy to have enough speedlites availabe when it came to some after show group shoots.
This was my first time using the 5DMKII for a shoot like this and the results are amazing regarding the noise level. Even with ISO 1600 the image are quite good. Only a small amount of noise reduction in Lightroom was necessary. Find some example below.
More to find here
Prunksitzung (carnival revue) and here
Kinderfasching (kids carnival).
Carnival 2012
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