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#748 Multiple events at once

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Thursday, 05 June 2014 13:43 UTC

 Hello !
I'm using Joomla 2.5.2 with event gallery 3.2,
I would like to be able to select folders which contain photos, create an event for each folder and add this events in the same category. I download my folders in the folder images\eventgallery and i use "Sync Database". It creates the events but, i have some problems:
  • The Watermark default setting is on "No watermark", Facebook is on "yes" ... And I don't want that: how can I change the default parameters ? Or is there a batch handling for events so I could change it easily even if I have 200 events ? It is the same for the category affectation, do I have to edit each event to affect it to a category or can I select some events and choose in which category I want to put them ?
  • Using the system "download my folders in the folder images\eventgallery and use "Sync Database"" I can't have 2 folders with the same name. But my site will be for a sport photographer, so he could have the folder "John Smith" for the 20th May Race and this "John Smith" could run in the 30th May too so ther will be an other folder called "John Smith". But I would like to have a category "Race of the 20th May" and a categorie "Race of the 20th May" with in each a photo album for John Smith. How can I do ?

Thank you :)


Event Gallery 3.3 will have a default setting for the watermark. Batch operations are available for Event Gallery 3.2 in combination with Joomla 3.x only.

If you want dedicated Facebook Sharing for each event you have to set it manually. If you want to turn it off globally just use the components global options.

Since local files work exactly like folder on your disk. You can't create a folder with the same name twice. I have to admit that I don't understand your use case very well. Event Gallery is build to have events/albums where you can add images to. There is no nesting support for those albums. If you need a kind of hierarchy you can use tags/categories to create groups of them like I do it here on my site. Maybe you can describe the process you're trying to achieve a more in detail. Maybe there is something which can help you.

Ok Thanks, I will try with Event Gallery 3.2 and Joomla 3 and if it does'nt work I will explain in more details what I want to do :)

You were right, it's better for batch operations :) thank you
But I still have a question, I'll try to better explain what I would like to do with an example of equestrian competitions:
The photographer takes pictures of each rider during competitions. He has a folder for each competition which contains subfolders. These subfolders are named with the name of each rider (each rider has his own folder) and contain pictures of the rider.
The photographer would like to have on his web site all pictures sorted by competition and by rider, so a rider could come on his web site and find his photos by searching with the competition or his name.
So I found how to do for one competition (Copy riders' folders in images/eventgallery, click on Sync Database and use batch treatment to assign them to a categorie called "Competition XXX"). But, for a second competition, if I copy riders' folders in images/eventgallery and proceed in the same way, some folders will have the same name so it won't be possible.
Is it more understandable ? Do you understand my problem ? :)

Well, I understand your problem. But Event Gallery does not support subfolders. I don't plan to change that any time soon. But there is a task on my list which might help you. Currently I support local folders and picasa albums. I want to build a third kind which is able to combine local folders. But this is currently just a task on my list.

What about creating folders like:


assign the tag "competition1" to all of them and the tag "rider1", "rider2" to each of them. You can now create a menu item which shows all Events with the tag "competition1" and a menu item which shows all events for "rider1".

Another solution would be to duplicate the images.

competition1: c1_r1.jpg

rider1: c1_r1.jpg
rider2: c1_r2.jpg

By using categories/tags you can create a menu item which shows the competitions and a menu item which shows the rider folders.

Ok thanks !
I think I will add a very good comment on joomla extensions web site because your extension is really great and you always answer very quickly ! Thank you very much ! :)

Don't forget to make it 5 stars ;)