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#724 photo sharing

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by Frankel on Thursday, 29 May 2014 14:33 UTC

When I click on the share icon over a photo it shows 'loading' but nothing else happens.
Also I've obtained a facebook app id. Do I actually have to write an app?



The problem is caused by URL rewriting somehow.

This url should return a HTTP 200 instead of an HTTP 404:

Do you use a special SEO component which can cause this? It is kind of strange that the url above return the right content but still adds the HTTP 404.

Thanks. I will pass this information on to my developer.


Well, forget about my question. Please update to Event Gallery 3.2. This will generate the correct url and will fix your issue.

If you want to use the Facebook Photo Share option you need to create a Facebook app. But maybe the Facebook Share Dialog is enough. It does not require any additional effort.

I recommend to use version 3_2_0_15 which you can get from the developer section.

Thank you so much. Here is the information from my developer. "We are using sh404SEF on the website for search engine friendly urls." I have also passed on your suggestion that we upgrade.


I have now updated to the version you recommended and the social buttons are appearing. I'm now figuring out the facebook thing. Thanks