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#641 Can Lightbox picture Pagination Upper Limit be changed to total pic number

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Tuesday, 29 April 2014 04:45 UTC

I have set the event to use the Pagination limit to 30 pictures per page - using the default list from Joomla as advised. I have an picasa album of 500 pictures, but I dont want to have all 500 on one web page, I want the pictures shown in a grid of 30, the click Next to go to the subsequent 30 pics.

When I click on the a picture and it pops up the lightbox, I can only page through the same 30 pictures and to get to the next 30, I have to close the lightbox, click on the Next button and then popup the next 30 pics.

Is there a way that the Lightbox can Page through the Total number of images (all 500, rather than the 30 at a time - i.e. the green circled number at the bottom of the lightbox image showing 500, not 30).



No. The lightbox just grabs the images you have one the current page.