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#3625 Token

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Sunday, 21 July 2019 05:26 UTC

 When I try to follow the Credentials setup I get hung up on getting the token from "Select the google account" tab. After account is selected, nothing happens tokens are not being passed into the "Refresh Token" field. I checked the console window and saw the error

Uncaught TypeError: n.startsWith is not a function
at backend.js?v=3.10.22:1
at dispatch (jquery.min.js?a27df020ecce897080b096cd2a88c9a8:2)
at v.handle (jquery.min.js?a27df020ecce897080b096cd2a88c9a8:2)
Object ->code:"4/igHivimKLLoA0RQGjodWrEJ5z3mjSmSEUJr__XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()

But it did include the code as an object. so I manually copied it to the token field.
And now when I try to add new album, When I click on select photos using my credentials I get the message "Fetching data from Google ....." Console has an error
request done Objectalbums: null__proto__: Object
index.php?option=com_eventgallery&view=googlephotos&layout=albumselector&tmpl=component:100 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
at renderAlbums (index.php?option=com_eventgallery&view=googlephotos&layout=albumselector&tmpl=component:100)
at Object.success (index.php?option=com_eventgallery&view=googlephotos&layout=albumselector&tmpl=component:87)
at u (jquery.min.js?a27df020ecce897080b096cd2a88c9a8:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?a27df020ecce897080b096cd2a88c9a8:2)
at C (jquery.min.js?a27df020ecce897080b096cd2a88c9a8:2)
at XMLHttpRequest.n (jquery.min.js?a27df020ecce897080b096cd2a88c9a8:2)


which browser do you use? Does it work in another browser? Can you try it in private browsing, please?

We need to fix the first issue. The token you found is invalid, this causes the second error message.

I tried Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Chrome Private Browsing with same results. After clicking on "Allow" button, field does not get updated.

UPDATE: After re-entering credentials and using "Private" mode on chrome I got it to work. Thank you for great plugin

Interesting. I suspect the secret. Is it possible you added a trailing space character in the secret value?