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#3028 Album Share

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
This is a public ticket

Everybody will be able to see its contents. Do not include usernames, passwords or any other sensitive information.

Latest post by sbluege on Saturday, 10 February 2018 09:34 UTC

I always upload my albums to Google Foto and make them available within my Eventgallery using the "Album Selector" tool. All the albums hostet at Google Fotos are protected which has to be the case otherwise its not possible to choose them by the "Album Selector" tool.

So far so good. When I want to share a complete album now within Facebook I copy the link of the relative album page in a new Facebook post. The problem now is that Facebook is seeing the album link as a link to a protected album and does not show a picture instead an information is given that private galleries are password protected and only available for its owners. However when clicking on the link the album is presented.

Is there a way to make such Facebook posts showing up protected albums or do I have to change the album from protected to public. If the second counts, how can I change from protected (which is standard) to public?

Thank you for your help and best regards





the first part makes no sense to me. The album selector can select all albums. You can't change the visibility of a Google album any longer so thinking about that makes no longer sense.

I guess the link you share on Facebook is the one to an Event Gallery "Event"/album? Then Event Gallery handles the protection stuff.
If you protect your album with a password, nobody can see it without having the password. There is a way to generate links which contain the password but then you publish that password on facebook too. By doing that, you can simply remove the password as well.

Hi Sven, thanks for giving me such a fast reply on this.

Ok i got the point of not beeing able to change the visibility to public. Yes the link directs to an "Event"/album.
I don't understand your workaround. Shall I password protect the album within "Eventgallery"? If yes how is such a link (including the password) created? And what do you mean with "...., you can simply remove the password again". This is confusing me ;-)

I see that you don't use password protection or you removed it. That text "Private Gallerien sind passwortgeschützt und nur dem Auftraggeber zugänglich. Melde Dich falls Du Deinen Zugriff vergessen hast." is coming from your website and unrelated to Event Gallery. There are other messages like this in your HTML code and Facebook randomly grabs it.

I tested which works as expected.

I tested but hat to force Facebook to reload that page with that tool: