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#2424 Image Loading Issue

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Wednesday, 09 November 2016 19:29 UTC


I am having a problem with the event images not displaying correctly for example,there are 6 images and only a few are visible. see attached screenshot, its just showing an empty area where there should be more images. This happens differently on all browsers and computers and only seems to show all six images on my computer. Also, when you click on any of the loaded images you receive the error "This image failed to load.".

Please advise. Thank you!



The server is not able to open the original file:

Just open this link to see the error message:

I don't see an error when I go to that link... I see the image.



Please clear your browser cache.

And please have a look at this ticket:

This sound like the same thing again.

I have already tried everything that worked in all of our previous tickets and nothing is working. Please advise.

The server can't open the image. Please make sure the webserver is allowed to access this image and that the image is actually there. If you have any questions relating the access permissions please consult your hosting provider.

This issue can happen for example if your webserver and your FTP server use different users. Files uploaded via FTP are not accessible to the webserver.