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#1868 photos no longer loading but still exist under /images folder.

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
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Latest post by sbluege on Friday, 15 January 2016 12:56 UTC

 Hi, Recently had to move /rebuild my site and now cant get the gallery to load the images.

The photos are still in the /images/eventgallery folder but no thumbnail load in the front or backend.

Did you checked the most common issues listed here?

The gallery worked fine before I had to move it.

I've just deleted a folder of images and reuploaded them but get the same issue. nothing loads. The /images folder is set to 755

So the answer to my question is no?

Please provide a link to a page which should contain thumbnails.


Your server trows http 500 responses. Please increase the error reporting level in the Joomla global options to reveal some useful messages. In addition please check your servers error log.

Example URL:

I have this in the logs...

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 25165824 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 10368 bytes) in /home/sites/ on line 153:

This is my PHP.ini file...

memory_limit = 512M;
max_execution_time = 60;
magic_quotes_gpc = Off;
upload_max_filesize = 4M;
post_max_size = 5M;
display_errors = Off

The memory limit obviously does not apply for this script since it starts complaining about just 25MB. Please check with you hosting provider where your PHP.ini applies and why the script has not enough memory.

Sorted it. I added the same setting to the user.ini file. Thanks

One thing I have noticed is that not all the images are loading. Thumbs and larger versions. Not sure if there missing. After uploading photos to the gallery, what director are they stored in?


Maybe you have broken images in the cache? Please clear both the server and the client cache. Are those images always the same or do they vary? Do you see HTTP 500 responses in the network tab of your browsers dev tool?