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#1764 funzionalità

Posted in ‘Event Gallery - General’
This is a public ticket

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Latest post by wechoose on Friday, 16 October 2015 21:43 UTC

 buon giorno io dovrei vendere voto di eventi con download automatico dopo il pagamento questa versione me lo consente?

Support is only available in English and German.

In addition I would be happy if you can tell why you use Event Gallery 3.4.2 which is not available for free so far.

ok lo acquisto se ha i requisiti richiesti devo fare un e-commerce di foto per un fotografo sportivo

e per installare la lingua in italiano?

linguaggio italiano?

I',m very sorry, but I can provide support only if we manage to communicate in English or German.

ok purchase the product I need to build a website with sale of photos for a sports photographer
the language in Italian when it's available?

Event Gallery has two translations for the front end: English and German. The backend is available in English only.

Event Gallery can sell images and send a download link to the customer once an order is payed. But I can't tell if this is what you're looking for.

Please keep in mind that using Google Translate will cause misunderstandings and strange translations. Maybe you're better off with a component with Italian support.

you need me to sell pictures download after payment and load more images conteporaneamente think it makes just for me I will use a translator on the site so that will result in automatic tomorrow morning purchase the package

I also use google to translate my requests or answers

Google Translate does not work very well. I can hardly understand what you say. This will cause issues with supporting you in the future!

purchase the product but can I have a coupon code?
for a while discount

purchase the product but can I have a coupon code?for a while discount
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 07:01:02 +0200
Subject: Reply to your public ticket #1764 funzionalit[Event Gallery - General]

No, you can't have a discount.

No offense, but I'm also happy if you don't buy a subscription. We can't communicate properly so I won't be able to provide the support I'm used to.

I question this component resizes pictures automatically to the different formats?

Event Gallery shows images responsive and adaptive. Please grab the free version 3.3.3 and try yourself.

ok grazie