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#4183 Local Images Not displaying

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Thursday, 16 December 2021 09:31 UTC


I've been using Event Gallery for clients to be able to display events using the Google Photos method.

A client currently can't access their Google account (the person who has access is on medical leave) so I decided to create a local album.

For some reason, everything "functions" but the images are not showing. I was using 3.11.x on the website and updated it to 4.0, but that didn't seem to matter.

I've named the folder 20211210_fiesta - is there something wrong with the name or path?

I've been scouring the documentation and cannot seem to figure out what I did wrong.

Images for previous events uploaded from Google work.

When I upload, the list populates but the images are "broken" - instead of an image it's the icon.

I tried clearing the cache, deleting and re-uploading, but it doesn't change anything - the images are not showing.

Is this a known issue, or am I missing something?

Thank you,






I guess the execution of the image.php script is blocked:

You have three options:

- allow this file to be executed

- switch to pre-generated images in the component options. Re-upload the images or use the thumbnail creator to create thumbnails

- enable the fallback mode which would use Joomla to deliver images (not recommended because it is slow)


Thank you.

When you wrote that the script was being blocked, I knew it had to be Akeeba Admin Tools. So I went to the .htaccess file maker in Admin Tools and added the path components/com_eventgallery/helpers/image.php to the exceptions.

Now the images and thumbnails are loading.

I'm glad I made this public - hopefully it will help someone else.

Thanks again,


Very good! 

I still recommend switching to precalculated images, even if this is turned off by default. It is initially a bit more work but helps to avoid using PHP scripts to deliver images.