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#3206 How do I get the Main image in Ajax view to display at the top

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Monday, 02 July 2018 05:24 UTC


How can I get the main (big) image in the Ajax view to display above the thumbnails rather than below? People are clicking on the images, but cannot see the main image that's below the navigation.

I tried the side by side mod in the manual, but because I have 30+ images, there is a long 2-image wide list running down the page.

Just looking for a neater solution.

Also, In some of the other views, the images become squashed either vertically or horizontally. Is there a way to make sure the images are in the original proportions? That also goes for the images in the category lists.

Many thanks in advance, David


First of all, I don' recommend the Ajax layout. The other layouts work better, especially in terms of mobile-friendliness. You can try to reduce the numbers of thumbnails per page in the components options.

If you still want to put the image above the thumbnails, you need to modify some code. Create a template override for components\com_eventgallery\views\snippets\tmpl\event\ajaxpaging.php and move the div with the class image wherever you want it.

Please note, that I do not support code modifications. Be careful with updates, this override might cause trouble with newer versions. To avoid that, you need to keep it updated.