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#2828 selling a complete event as a package/photoset

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Friday, 22 September 2017 11:57 UTC

Is it possible to sell a complete event as a set of photos (digital download)? i can only see settings to select individual photos. We want to sell events which would have differing numbers of photos in.
BTW, In looking I clicked on Image Type Sets in the menu but get this error: An error has occurred.
0 Call to a member function getId() on null
Thanks for your help


you can add single images to the cart only.

The image type set issue is already addressed. For now, it should work if you publish at least one image type per set. Does this work for you?

Thanks for that, yes image sets looks like the way to go for now. Would be great if there was at least a single button to easily select all the images in the set - I guess this is a case for the Feature Wish List :)

True. I had such a button before but I removed it because of bad performance. If you sell the whole event, there might be smarter solutions where you can upload the zip file and let people buy the whole thing.