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#2548 Change lightbox engine

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by Krx on Thursday, 09 February 2017 11:53 UTC


I wonder, is it possible to change/bypass default lightbox engine?
Instead of default one I would like to use another, provided by JCE Media box which I like better.
Usually I only change class in href into " jcepopup noicon ", but in this case lightbox stops working when I do so.
I tried to play with thumb_lightbox.php file, and I'm using Categories list > Event - Squares template


thumb_lightbox.php is a good place to start since there the connection between a plain link and the lightbox is made. If you remove the rel attribute of the links they'll work as normal links.

If you manage to get this working you may need to care about all the other links as well. The lightbox is also used to display the t&c in the checkout.

Check the file jquery.colorbox.init.js as well to see the elements the lightbox is used for.
