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#2120 No title in the module

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by pouchki on Thursday, 12 May 2016 09:36 UTC

 hello there,

i just want to get rid of the title in the module. I can't find in which file i can change that.

By Title i mean the galleries titles not the module title itself of course.

Thanks for your reply.

I guess there is no option. You can use plain CSS to remove what you don't need. If you're stuck please send me a screenshot and mark the things you want to hide. Don't forget a link to this site.

Sorry Sven the CSS is not the rgiht way -> the code is right her in your script in

/modules/mod_eventgallery_events/tmpl/default.php :

 <h4 class="header"><a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(EventgalleryHelpersRoute::createEventRoute($folder->getFolderName(), $folder->getTags(), $folder->getCategoryId(), $params->get('menuitemid', null))) ?>"><?php echo $folder->getDisplayName(); ?></a></h4>

But it's a bit strange because if I comment this the title still remain.

Thanks for your help

Did you cleared the cache? Those modules are cached by default.

Sorry Sven You're damn right. All is ok now. I'm a dumb ;-)
