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#1775 Future enhancements

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Monday, 19 October 2015 15:22 UTC

Morning Sven 

Future enhancements
In a future update would it be possible to have user insert able text as well as a water mark image.
This would be handy as a message for saying ie: this image is a raw unprocessed proof image and does not relate to the final image quality and can be in any colour that will be noticeable.


Rendering text with PHP is kind of uggly. Why don't you add this text to your watermark as well? Such a watermark you set to "fill" the image and appear with a sudden threshold. So thumbnails will stay clean and the larger images contain this information.

The watermark is opaque and the text needs to be 100%. I use IfanView at the moment to place small watermark on
the left and yellow text on the right and EG to place large watermark in centre. But if I could do it all in Event Gallery just means my work flow is smoother and less steps to accomplish proof images.

Under stand about ugly. If it can be done in the future will be a nice have.

Example attached.


Okay, I'll keep that in mind.

by the way, you can use transparent images in your watermark to control the opacity without using the watermark settings.