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#1683 Modify order confirmation page

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by stuartbarry on Thursday, 27 August 2015 16:42 UTC

I have looked all over the documentation and through the back end files for ways to modify certain things. I managed to modify the confirmation email, but I cannot see how to modify the confirmation web page. I'd just like to remove some of the large text that appears at the top and make the remaining text smaller. 

The amount of modification you can apply depends on your skills. You can use the Joomla! template override technique to modify the HTML code of the order confirmation page. But if you want to modify just some styles try to add some CSS to your templates CSS files. That might also work for hiding some elements.

By the way, the template you might look for is this:


Just make sure you don't modify it directly. All changes will be deleted with an update so you need to use Joomla! template overrides.

Thanks for the fast reply. I found the confirm.php file and simply removed the h1 and h2 tags. The page looks much better. I looked through the Joomla templates and cannot see anywhere that allows me to modify this page. I am not a PHP programmer but I can see that there is some text referenced that contains header and details. Can this be modified through the Joomla interface? If not, where can I modify this (I'll just have to do it each time there is an update).

Please use Joomla Template Overrides if you want to change code: That's even possible using the back end.


If you're looking for the files called by something like this "$this->loadSnippet('footer_disclaimer')" you'll find them in this folder: \components\com_eventgallery\views\snippets\tmpl
Template overrides work here too.

Sorry the general answer but I can't provide detailed code modification support. But hopeful this already got you started.

After your last message I read through all the Joomla documentation about overrides, but it left me a bit cold. Then I realised that I could do exactly what I wanted with the language override. I found the text message that was being displayed on the order confirmation page then just added my own text into the language override. I found that I could include html tags, so the formatting looks just like the previous pages.