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#1312 I fail to Upgrading to 3.3.0

Posted in ‘Event Gallery Extended’
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Latest post by sbluege on Wednesday, 04 February 2015 07:07 UTC

 Failed to update the component, I installed all modules and plugins without inconvenience, but the component fails.
Add image failure.
Thank You.



I guess you downgraded from 3.3 to 3.2.1 in the past? Unfortunatelly the Joomla Installed does not prevent this.

Not sure how many additional error you'll get with the database update but you need to remove those columns. In this case the column image_thumbthresholdsize in the table #_eventgallery_watermark.

It's exhausting, I deleted tables and continue apaerciendo more errors replicated tables, does not support upgrading; I updated all plugins and modules, component NO, anyone else have this problem?

Everybody who downgrades is having this problem. It's an unsupported use case and the Joomla installer does not prevent this.

The following snippet reverts the database changes from 3.2.1 to 3.3.0. Please install 3.2.1, run the queries and install 3.3. Please always install the package you downloaded instead of unzipping it.

Don't forget to substitute '#_' with your table prefix 'elev_' and remove the space character in 'A LTER' and 'D ROP'.

A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_watermark` DROP COLUMN  `image_thumbthresholdsize`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_watermark` DROP COLUMN  `default`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_file` DROP COLUMN  `url`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_staticDROP COLUMNress` DROP COLUMN  `state`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_userDROP COLUMNress` DROP COLUMN  `state`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_folder` DROP COLUMN  `foldertypeid`;
A LTER TABLE  `#__eventgallery_folder` DROP COLUMN `metadata`;

A LTER TABLE `#__eventgallery_imagetype` DROP COLUMN `weight`;
A LTER TABLE `#__eventgallery_imagetype` DROP COLUMN `depth`;
A LTER TABLE `#__eventgallery_imagetype` DROP COLUMN `height`;
A LTER TABLE `#__eventgallery_imagetype` DROP COLUMN `width`;

D ROP TABLE `#__eventgallery_foldertype`;